The industrial unit of Sakthi

This masterpiece was possible thanks to the Blocotelha´s Skinzip aluminum facades and roofs. This constructive solution of great elegance and technical performance, allows to cover all architectural forms, giving the designers a huge creative freedom, as its shown in this project. The technical performance of the Skinzip System is excellent and satisfies the most difficult […]

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Nuclear energy sector incursion

We are proud to announce that we have recently started our activity in the nuclear energy sector! It involved a set of certifications, which were only possible to achieve, thanks to the efforts of all our colleagues. Working for this type of industry was a major challenge for us, proof of that, is that there […]

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Disney Village Nature

Another project completed! 30 kilometers from Paris and two steps from Disneyland, there is a new type of village, “Villages Nature Paris”, combining real estate, fun activities and tourism, all in a sustainable approach! We worked in this project for 4 months, providing 10km of metal and wooden railings, stairs, doors and gates. Take a […]

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Another project finished!

Another project finished! This time we worked in Torres Vedras, Portugal, in the Frutas Patrícia Pilar project, where we offer our solutions of supply and assembly of metal structure, supply and installation of panel coverings and roofing as well as the supply and installation of metal stairs. Take a look at the project! […]

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Modern and innovative solutions

Once again, one of the projects where we work is mentioned and praised with a modern and innovative design. The solution that we applied in this project was the Skinzip® system, if you are interested in this solution feel free to contact us.   Source: […]

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