Gender Equality Index

Gender Equality Index
February 20, 2025

For 2024, BLOCOTELHA-STEEL CONSTRUCTION has an uncalculable gender equality index due to the overwhelmingly high proportion of men in the company.

For several years, BLOCOTELHA-STEEL CONSTRUCTION‘s professional equality policy has been structured around four priority areas:

  • Recruitment, to ensure equal treatment of applications;
  • Training and career development, to provide women and men with the same opportunities for professional growth, career progression, and access to leadership positions;
  • Remuneration, to uphold the principles of equality throughout an employee’s career.

The law on the freedom to choose one’s professional future establishes a results-based obligation for companies regarding gender equality.

In practical terms, companies must measure four indicators each year and publish their overall score out of 100 points. If the score is below 75, the company has three years to strengthen its actions on professional equality.

The overall score was calculated in 2024 based on the following four indicators but remains ultimately uncalculable:

  1. Pay gap between women and men;
  2. Difference in the proportion of women and men receiving pay raises;
  3. Percentage of female employees receiving a salary increase upon returning from maternity leave;
  4. Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the 10 highest salaries.

Only the following indicator is calculable:
Indicator No. 4 – Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the 10 highest salaries: calculable, but with a score of 0.